
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh, The Places We've Been!

Seems as though we disappeared for a while. After March we did a bit of moving around and we're finally in our home for the next 18 months to 2 years: Killeen, Texas. It has a nice ring to it, and I was very excited about it at first. It would be the closest the Army would move us to my hometown of Monterey, Mexico, I pictured lots of delicious Mexican food, and a few adventures into Texas here and there. Well, to be honest Killeen and I started off on the wrong foot. As soon as we drove past the "Welcome to Killeen" sign I started crying. It looked dry, absolutely no scenery or view, the only businesses were restaurants and car dealerships, the sun seemed much brighter than even in Colorado with the high altitude. Not to mention Mark didn't like it much either. He immediately started sweating and turning red. Give the nugget a break, he was born in wind chills of -40 right after the most awful blizzards and snow storms of that winter. He has never been a big fan of the heat, but Texas heat has him beat. Thankfully Fort Hood has a few kid friendly pools and he has already visited with some other adorable kids. These last few weeks we've managed to get out and do much more and that makes for one happy nugget.
As far as catching up between Virginia and Texas, that will have to wait. There were just too many great events and I'd hate to skimp over them. For now, I will leave you with this picture...

That's right, apparently miracle lightning strikes can strike twice, and even three times so we're pregnant again. Tomorrow fetus, also known around here as Nugget #2, MJ #2 (yes, we already have names, we've had them for weeks now!) or simply by his/her first name which will remain a secret until next Tuesday when we'll know for sure. Wes, Mark and I are mega lucky to get another nugget addition and we're very excited.
Until next time, ladies and gents!
The Finks

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