
Friday, January 20, 2012


I constantly get asked, "so, what do you do all day?" You can see why this would get old and, slightly, frustrating. Apparently sitting at home drinking coffee while my adorable son plays quietly isn't enough...oh wait...that's not my life, is it? Alas, 'tis not.

You see, my life is far from organized or clean. I'm no Martha Stewart and my kid is no angel. I never have dinner on the table at dinner time and my poor husband hasn't seen the carpet in our bedroom since I moved in with him, especially now that Mark throws everything everywhere. I felt like a sorry excuse for a wife for a few days, but then took a step towards what I like to call "Mom-estication". Just what is this so called new life outlook? I shall explain more thoroughly.

Mom-estication is the process of being a much classier, younger version of the ever popular Martha Stewart/Betty Crocker stereotype. Some women may be offended by these terms while others strive to be just like them. Hence why I made my own title for it. I loathe the terms "house wife" and "stay at home mom". I feel like they underestimate my duties around the house. They both indicate that I do nothing else but cook, clean and watch the baby. When in reality, I do much more. Anything and everything from digging carrots out of Mark's nose, to cleaning up the a fore mentioned carrots out of our carpet, to organizing closets and making a home made dinner from scratch by the time Wes is home. Is it always on time? No. Is the house always clean? Absolutely not. Does anyone mind? Not really. And that's why I love my husband. He understand what it's like to be a full time mommy, never underestimates me and helps around as well. He's the complete package! I'm such a lucky ducky. It can be very easy to get lost amidst all of the house wife confusion. Sometimes people call me that without meaning any harm and that's ok. However, I wanted to elaborate on why those names are so ignorant. If anything, my husband is a much better "house wife" than I am, and that is perfectly fine by me, both of us actually. In our house we don't care about who does what, or whether the chores are split up evenly. As long as stuff is getting done we're ok :) we work as an awesome team and it comes together awesomely. By now I'm just rambling, so much of this probably doesn't make sense. And I'm ok with that :)
<3 the Finks

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Virginia, thus far

We have had about a total of 2 weeks of living out here on our own, and I have to say, Virginia is just beautiful! I didn't expect to like it this much, but I could not help myself. After my parents left I really got to unpacking, which was a little rough with a crazy crawling nugget. But now that most of our stuff is unpacked we have gotten into our own little family groove, and we all love it. We have never really lived together just the three of us so this experience is brand new yet magnificent.
So far we have managed to go to the zoo and even a few Civil War areas. It's all pretty neat considering I spent the entire last semester indulging myself in anything America, and well, Wes just loves anything American. Mak has been a super star. He is up and away, a non stop crawling machine. He is still the silly baby everyone loves, but now the silly is mobile and on the go.

Lately I have gotten a chance to work on my "house wife ness". I've been tackling the cooking scene with about 75% success. Not bad for a newbie!! I think Wes has liked most of my experiments so far, it's hard to tell since he is such a good eater :) one of his many charms! Mark has been doing food experiments of his own. Marky has had everything a baby can dream of eating, even whip cream. It's so fun watching him get into trouble. Lately he likes racing us around the house; I feel running might be in store for him later. We've also been ever so slowly, planning his 1st birthday party. I love how involved Wes as been. We don't even have a theme, location, or a guest list. But that's ok. If we end up celebrating with just us three and a delicious baby size cake I'm pretty sure we will all love it anyway. I've come to realize that as long as the three of us are together it doesn't matter where we are, who we're with or what we do.Wes has a wonderful way of making everything better; his positive attitude never seizes to amaze me. I can see where Mark gets it from.

With that said, we do miss all of our family so incredibly much. It has been weird living so far away from everything I know and love. However, Wes and Mark are doing such a good job of keeping me on my toes. It's hard to even think about missing someone when I have one telling me he needs something for his potluck in class and another one screaming in his crib. But, alas, such is life, right? Can't help but love them both either way <3

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let the adventures begin!

We have finally made it to Virginia. After what felt like years of driving and several crazy baby moments, we made it to our home for the next 6 months. We were blessed and had the chance to spend the holidays with both of our families; Christmas with the Finks and the Vielmas met us out in Virginia for New Years. Lucky for them Mark put on a crawling show like no other! He has been unstoppable since we left Colorado and has been a curious little one getting into everything.
Now that it is just us three for the very first time, I'm reminded often of the very many reasons I fell in love with Wesley. That crazy man gets me like no one else and our son loves it when we're all together. I couldn't be happier! Mark has been loving all this time with Daddy. He gets slightly upset right after he goes to work and has been a huge cuddle bug lately. It is so sweet to see our little nugget extra happy. I think he is really enjoying this wonderful weather. It is for sure working wonders on his many baby issues! We go on walks frequently and I've already found him a play group to keep his social life exciting! He wasted no time checking out the southern ladies, though! Mark has perfected his wave and loves showing it off to everyone. What a silly nugget!!
As far as Wes goes, he's back to the daily grind. He's on what I like to call Army vacay. He goes off to work bright and early and comes home no later than 4. This is unheard of in his work life so I'm enjoying every minute of it. Compared to the long hours and rough days back with his old unit, I can tell he's truly enjoying this little break, not to mention the fact that he's no longer living alone.
I've been busy myself. Unpacking and organizing has become slightly difficult with a baby that wants to empty everything out onto the floor and hide it everywhere. I've also started my Coupon group online and I'm on my way to setting up classes all over town!

As a family we have been enjoying sightseeing. We took my family to D.C. and Williamsburg, and lately we just discovered some battlefields nearby along with Civil War forts and beautiful old homes. Today we saw the sun set over the James River. A true wonder for history buffs like ourselves. We can not wait to see what else the South and East Coast have in store for us. In our first week alone we have seen many things. I'm hoping these next 6 months are just as exciting and wonderful. Until then, best wishes from the Finks!