
Thursday, June 13, 2013

So far life at the Hood...

Has been cray cray. 
When I say that, I mean it in the most fun loving way. We have become a lot more active, and finally found some good friends. It was very hard at first. There was a rough patch in our first few months. I just couldn't find a good, honest, group of friends for a while. Thankfully we came out of that rut with a great bunch!
Since the last time I blogged was in September, I feel like one blog won't be enough to catch everyone up. Maybe we'll just go by month? That sounds about right. Let's start off with October, shall we?

October 2012:

Wes had a little bit of leave so we snuck off to Colorado for a few days. It was a much needed break from the heat in Texas. We got to see real Autumn leaves and trees. Mark just loved stepping on crunchy leaves in Old Colorado City. It was very sad leaving Colorado and coming back to a still warm Killeen. Fall here at the Hood is nothing more than rain and a few days of chilly weather. I couldn't help but giggle at the moms by the bus stop that had their kids in mittens, hats and scarves when it was only 50 degrees. Texans can be kinda silly. 
November 2012,
This was a very busy month! Wes took Command over a company here at the Hood. It was such a proud moment. We decided to bring Mark to the ceremony. If you've ever been to a change of command ceremony, you know they're not the most exciting for a toddler. He completely surprised us by sitting still the whole time and being super quiet. There was an adorable moment when Wes went to give his speech and Mark heard him. He lit up like a Christmas tree and yelled "Dada!" Everyone got some giggles out of it. My parents were able to come down for Thanksgiving as well as one of our good Army friends and his daughter. I love how no matter where we go we have family around us. It is a huge blessing to have them visit us. Since my parents stayed with us Wes and I snuck away for some Black Friday shopping. Picture an 8 month pregnant woman in line at Toys R Us. It was a magical night/morning. 

December was way too busy to fit into one blog, so it will have to wait!
Until next time!