
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today, we remember...

I was reading through some facebook posts today, and came to realize how quickly some people are to forget and move on. On a day that is set to remember and honor the first victims of a war on terror, and the great losses of heroes that would soon follow, there has been a small group of people that seem to think that it is unnecessary to "open up the wound" again. This saddens me on so many levels.They think that there is too much press around it still, and that we no longer need reminders of what that horrible day was like. That is so incredibly painful to hear. The events that unfolded on September 11 have recreated our entire culture. Everything from the way we travel, to our own family lifestyle has taken a complete 180 since then. I remember exactly where I was that day, and it's crazy to think how much it has impacted my own life.

I was in my 7th grade social studies class in the middle of some serious chatting. For some reason Mr. Moore turned the TV on and we saw it all. The second plane, and the towers falling. It was a nightmare. My friend Ellen was sitting right across from me and I'll never forget the look on her face. Mr. Moore was a veteran, and always spoke passionately of any war. He stared at the TV for a few minutes, turned around  and explained to us how our lives would be forever changed. How true his statement was.

If anyone had told me back then the direct impact September 11 would have had on my life I wouldn't believe them. But now it is so hard to picture it any other way. I dated a wonderful guy, John, who enlisted in the Army because of his love for his country, family, and his willingness to defend the values and freedoms of both. He was set to deploy and I was more than willing to wait. 5 weeks in, I got a call from his sister. She sounded confused and startled, and there was no confirmation so we prayed. I've never prayed harder in my entire life than I did for those 2 hours. John was KIA. You don't realize how much 9/11 impacts your life, until you're standing over a casket with a flag draped over it, and the man inside was just by your side 5 weeks earlier.

From that moment on, I had a different view on patriotism, values, and America as a whole. I met Wes who only made me love America even more. I don't think anyone loves America, or as he likes to call it 'Merica, more than Wes Fink. He bleeds red, white and blue. He was in basic during 9/11 back when the Army did things much differently. If it hadn't been for 9/11, his career could have gone differently and I would have never met him at Carson. I love that man, and his crazy lifestyle. That's why I agreed to marry him. If it weren't for 9/11, he would probably be home more, wouldn't miss as many big events, and possibly get to witness every milestone in Mark and Mikayla's lives. Ultimately, this country needs people like him. Selfless people willing to put everything on the line, over and over again, to defend the great foundation that makes America so amazing. If a deployment means that our kids can grow up in a society with free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to choose any career they want and work wherever their little hearts desire then by all means I will stay back and only hope and pray that he comes back with both boots on the ground. The freedoms available here are so scarce in our world unfortunately and on days like 9/11 when they were threatened, it is important to remember and honor not only the victims, but the soldiers that were lost in the war that followed. It is important to never forget, because history has a tendency to repeat itself. If we don't remember now, what would it be like for our children?

I hope and pray that for at least a few minutes today, we all shared a moment of silence. By remembering we are honoring the lives of those who were there, and the ones who set out to defend this nation soon after. I know that our family will never forget and we will always remember.